Welcome to University of Malaya (UM) !


Hello everyone. I know all of you are extremely excited for the coming university life after getting UPU result. This blog is specially prepared for those who get offer from University of Malaya (UM).

Important Steps

Now, all of you need to
1. Decide whether to accept or to decline the offer.
2. After accepting the offer, identify the location of own residential college as stated in the offer letter.
3. Settle all documents according to the general guideline.
4. Register at respective residential college on the first day of orientation.

How to reach UM by public transportation

1. LRT Feeder Bus T789 (Starting point at LRT Station KL Getaway Mall-University)
Colleges (according to the sequence): KK1, KK2, UM Central

2 .MRT Feeder Bus T815 (Starting point at MRT Station Phileo Damansara)
Colleges (according to the sequence): UM Central, KK12, KK5, KK11, KK10, KK8, KK3, KK7, KK4, KK1, KK2

*KK3, KK4, KK7 (located on the same road)

* KK6 (located on the road between KK1 and KK2, passing inside through the examination hall)

*KK9 (located outside of UM campus, nearest to UM Campus from Sec 16 gate)

UM Campus Map


Hereby I do write some blogs to share about how was our orientation week last year (2017), UM life, academics and campus activities.

1. UM Orientation Week 2017

2. UM Life

3. UM Academics

4. UM Activities

5. UM Interview Experience 2017 (feel free to share to juniors in the future)


I hope that the information above is helpful.. Trying to be independent in finding out the answer yourself first before asking any senior. This is because you shall start treating yourself as an adult now. Hereby, I wish all of you good luck in the coming university life. Sharing is caring.

Thank you.

Best wishes,
Wong Yong Sheng
Bachelor of Accounting
University of Malaya



UM Official Website

UM Official Anthem


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