
Showing posts from July, 2018


也许追求完美的个性会让我们对生命失去热情,也许不管我们怎么努力都无法让自己变得完美,或许不公平的世界会让我们不再选择相信会有完美的人生。 完美法令 (黄勇胜 著) ( 1 ) 一千年后,人们开始闷于现状,厌倦了生活中的每一个瑕疵,纷纷开始闹起了新一次的文明大改革。 总统先生聘请了世界各地的科学家,为人们想出一个可以让人类变得完美的方法,但终究没有一位科学家想出任何方法。 打造完美的世界,是一个可能性吗? 总统先生对科学家感到彻底失望,于是找来了律师。 而律师则建议用法律将世界打造成乌托邦,并推荐聘请 数学家建议将所有主观的事数据化。 这是一个总统独裁的制度,在没经过任何讨论下,完美法令就从此诞生了。 “为了让全世界的人类能够不断自我挑战提升自己与机器人的智慧对抗的能力,我们决定提出完美法令,用数据决定一个人的成就,对不完美的事物给予惩罚。好让我们为文明书写新一篇的传奇故事。” 从今以后,完美主义将全面覆盖这个世界。媒体上也大肆播放地球的人类将会以完美的目标迈进。人类将从此迈入革命的新一个历史篇章。 ( 2 ) 许多年后,这里依然是一个完美的世界。 在一条小路上,小美骄傲地独自行走。每天,她都听到总统先生时常在电视上说,她生长的土地,是世界上有史以来最完美的土地! “啊!好痛!救命!” 小美听到尖叫声,往后一看,原来一位老婆婆跌倒在地上。 小美连忙看看四周,寻求路人的帮助。医院虽然很近,但由于小美实在太渺小了,不可能有力气独自搬动这位老婆婆。 老婆婆摔到了背后的骨头,没有能力爬起来。 此时,小美除了寻求大人帮助也没有其他办法了。 “叔叔,你在叫救护车吗?”小美问问起了路边的一位叔叔。 “我只是在检查今天的会议行程啦。”叔叔一脸不耐烦。 “叔叔,可以帮忙叫一下救护车吗?”小美苦苦哀求叔叔。 叔叔愤怒地瞪了小美一眼大骂。“这三十年来我工作都有完美的准时记录,你要我退休前留下不完美的暗底吗?” 叔叔看了看手表,“你看你,害我完美的这一分钟被这样被污染了。” 小美一脸委屈,不知道为什么好心还要被责骂。 老婆婆的尖叫声依旧没有停下。 “这位阿姨,可以借我你的电话

Welcome to University of Malaya (UM) !

Introduction Hello everyone. I know all of you are extremely excited for the coming university life after getting UPU result. This blog is specially prepared for those who get offer from University of Malaya (UM). Important Steps Now, all of you need to 1. Decide whether to accept or to decline the offer. 2. After accepting the offer, identify the location of own residential college as stated in the offer letter. 3. Settle all documents according to the general guideline. 4. Register at respective residential college on the first day of orientation. How to reach UM by public transportation 1. LRT Feeder Bus T789 (Starting point at LRT Station KL Getaway Mall-University) Colleges (according to the sequence): KK1, KK2, UM Central 2 .MRT Feeder Bus T815 (Starting point at MRT Station Phileo Damansara) Colleges (according to the sequence): UM Central, KK12, KK5, KK11, KK10, KK8, KK3, KK7, KK4, KK1, KK2 *KK3, KK4, KK7 (located on the same road) * KK6 (located on

University of Malaya (UM) Life 10 Fun Facts

UM LIFE Introduction Welcome to University of Malaya. It is an honour to have the opportunity to step into the top university in Malaysia. Have you ever wondered how is UM life? I hope the fun facts below can let all of you to have a simple picture about UM life. 1. What is curfew? Do I need to scan my matric card before going in and out of the campus? The answer is no. For your information, not only you, but everybody can enter UM campus!  In UM, it is totally free to enter and exit the campus through the 5 gates. Hence, it is common to see traffic congestion in UM during the peak hours. (KL and PJ area) Besides, UM students enjoy the privilege to have supper until midnight because KL Gate opens for 24 hours. The residential college gate is always open to welcome your return! 2. Is UM only a university? UM is definitely not only a place of studying. It really takes time to explore the secret of UM. Where is Tasik Varsiti? Where