
Showing posts from August, 2017

Part Time Tuition Centre Teacher ( Pros and Cons )

It is common for all fresh graduates assume that teaching children is extremely funny and easy task. At certain period, yes it is. Nevertheless, for some time it might not. Normally, it depends on your perspective. Let me do a simple postmortem and classify  two perspectives as a tuition teacher based on my experience. ( Pros and Cons ) Good part 1. Experiencing surreal time machine You are going to re-meet your history when you teach the younger generation. When we were young, we would tend to say everything without thinking, same goes with the children nowadays. Yes, they will say anything without thinking. It was quite ridiculous. For example, ~When I become adult, I want to marry 14 wives. ~We suffer because of the people acts who  invent the school. ~Chan X X loves Lee X X. ~I am the smartest girl in the school. ~ Ye! Yap X X fart. ~Pang X X did not wash his hands after going to toilet. For Year 4,5,6, they pretend to be mature but as a matter of fact they

Principle of Cheatery ( Theory and Story )

Principle of Cheatery ( Theory + Story = Lesson ) It is hard to cheat, but at the same time it is easy to be cheated. Subjectively, it sounds radical but rational. To define all of the deceivers, they  are the source of evilness, because they have misused the power of mouth to destroy the trustworthiness between humans. Credulous gangs are all possessing stupidity. Believing humans has become an extraordinary characteristic. It is a common perception of society generally. It was the part of the philosophy of world. Is it boring , let me share a true story . Here is the complete version of the story.                        Humanity vs Rationality By: Wong Ah Wong                 It was an ordinary sunny morning. Wearing a formal business attire, combing my messy hair, selecting the most beautiful tie, I commenced my journey of the day. It was an important day for me. I was going for an interview. It was the first interview in my life. Before he

PIDM Undergraduate Scholarship 2017 ( Interview Experience )

 PIDM is one of the most famous scholarships among Malaysian since there is no bond. I received a call on June. I was notified to attend an interview on July. PIDM office was very near to a KL Central. For my year, only 35 people were chosen for interview out of all applicants. 5 people attended the interview per session. ( 1 person was absent, hence only left 4 people. ) After verifying our original documents, we were all given reimbursement for transportation fees. Soon, the challenge began. Generally, there were 3 parts for this interview. A. Group discussion For my session, we got the topic ' Is technology good or bad ? ' It was like MUET speaking, only 30 minutes were given to us, but we could not get the conclusion in the end. Good teamwork and communication skill were needed beside wide knowledge. B. Psychometric test + Essay The test was like an exam paper. We were given sufficient time to complete it. It tested a lot of aspects but the

Hong Leong Foundation Scholarship 2017 ( Interview Experience )

In a nutshell, I have rejected the scholarship due to personal reason.                                                                Nevertheless, it was the simplest scholarship interview that I ever attended. Initially, I filled in the application form which was in google form. All were common questions (asking for details) except one essay question regarding gender inequality. It was definitely a sad news for every one. However, this was totally common for me since I had failed  in some scholarships previously. Failure is the mother of success. Be optimistic. I sent an e-mail asking why I was not shortlisted. Here was the reply. I accepted the fact as they had  provided a reasonable answer. Dramatically, after a few days, I got another e-mail at night. It was like a movie. To continue the miraculous journey, I went to the final interview at Wisma Hong Leong. I forgot how to go there when reaching Wisma Genting. I asked peop

Great Eastern Supremacy Scholarship 2017 ( Interview Experience )

This is a real story in 2017. First of all, I want to stress out that I am not the recipient of this scholarship. I manage to get it but I have rejected it due to personal reasons. Nevertheless, I will like to share with all of you about this incredible journey that has brought a lot of sweet memories.  Undeniably, this is an awesome scholarship and you are encouraged to apply if you are eligible. Level 1 : Application Form You just need to fill in the basic information. If you have not obtained offer letter from any university, you need to list down a) 3 courses of study b) 3 universities applied to For my batch, you need to download the application form which is in pdf format and fill in directly by computer. If you fill in using smartphone, please use Xodo app. (from Google play) After filling in the information, submit the application form together with the scanned documents before deadline to scholarship@greateasternlife. com Level 2 : Tel

Scholarship Application ( Failure Experience )

' Failure is the mother of success. '  I did not get any reply from some scholarships. ( Astro, Malaysia Airport, TM and so forth. ) However, there were three scholarship interviews that I ever failed in the middle journey. Here is the story . 1. Genting Resort Malaysia Scholarship During my economics tutorial in matriculation, suddenly I got a call. It was the first time I got reply from the scholarship. Nervously, I did my first time telephone interview in my life. ( It was long and took around 15 minutes. ) I waited for a few weeks. Unbelievably,  I was shortlisted successfully. Then, I needed to do an online assessment by my own. Initially, I was confident to be able to do it. Thanks to my roommate for providing hotspot and blockmate for lending laptop. It was hard to borrow laptop since it was hari balik bermalam. I did this assessment in the midnight. ( around 12.30 a.m. ) I did not know press what for personality test, so some questions I

Scholarship Application Guidelines ( General )

This passage is specially written for 1. SPM / equivalent leavers 2. STPM/ equivalent leavers 3. University students  ( Undergraduate and Postgraduate) Introduction We tend to lose ourselves when we intend to further our education. First and foremost, it is about money. Scholarship is the saviour for a lot of people who face financial burden. For scholarship application, normally it is opened after the release of SPM and STPM result or UPU result. If you fulfil the requirement, just try for it. Who knows lady luck stands by your side! (You can apply when you are studying too) Find out the scholarship website independently. Be alert and check it out frequently. Check out whether you pass the requirement or not. There are a variety of scholarship websites that will be updated frequently,  you have to discover it. In university and college, we have to spend a lot of money unlike our primary and secondary school. If your parents cannot afford it or you do not have a


👦 👧 听音乐,用酷我。😎 听音乐,弄哭我。😢    听音乐,笑苦我。😁 放放轻松,享受自我。 别管别人,我就是我。 散散心情,不要理我。 烦恼压力,请离开我。 我想要品尝这个我。 不管别人怎么说我, 我就是要维持自我, 悲观主义想压着我, 现实主义要摧毁我, 完美主义欲打败我, 道德教育解救了我, 不管你们多么恨我, 我依旧还是那个我。 别人都想改变自我, 努力使劲提升自我, 却已渐渐磨灭自我, 得放弃真实的自我。 让个机会给我, 赐予信心给我, 留些快乐给我, 就算不要给我, 我依然还是我。 不要只是想着我, 这样显得太忘我, 切勿忘记还有我, 音乐能陶醉自我, 请大家多关心我, 因地球里还有我。 我就是我, 我还是我, 我又是我。 🙌🙆 ( 黄勇胜 作品)


"天哪,若不是认识你那么久了,我早就杀了你。" "没有人能杀我,除非我想死,但我想死了。" 少年人,别气馁,看看这些语录吧! 尽管所有人都非常努力,但还有很多人在更困难的情况下才能走到今天,我们也绝对不可以忽略他们一直以来的努力。 如果在人海茫茫的竞赛中失败了,切勿绝望,也许你还不够别人努力,也许别人曾经失败更多次,也许你的运气没那么好。 人的一生,谁会甘心做个小弟呢? 谁不想被多注意呢? 一辈子没人理,谁会喜欢呢?但现实的社会里,普通人是没有当主角的机会的。但要永远记得,每个人都是独一无二的故事主角,每个遭遇都是一个故事情节。神片与烂片,只要还有情节的都是好片。 孙悟空闷了,花果山是他的了,取经之路也顺利完成了,他能从此享受清福了。但孙悟空却选择了一跳平凡路,他决定失去所有超能力,变成一个平名百姓体验人生。体验,不正是活着的真谛吗? 何时能让我快乐?我等这天等到疯了。期待这天的到来,何尝不是一种独特的快乐。 他预料了这是结局,但他会再有快感吗? 有些人天生就是天才,但这些人往往无法成为天才。每个人是独一无二的。但是独一无二的人往往是被认定为怪人,所以他们的下场都是被排挤。失去自信心的他们,怎么可能还会成就什么大事业呢? 别理会别人,做好自己就不错了,相信自己的能力,每个人都是优秀的。 总不能玩太多,因为 每个人的心里都会有一股想完成梦想的冲动。别被人世间的残酷与现实打压。朝向打从心底的目标前进吧! 如愿以偿往往是人世间的一个小罪过。爬得太高,就让你学掉一下。跌得太低,总会被伸出援手。起伏跌宕,慢慢地学会稳定。终点是看破红尘的境界。 生命到底有多长呢? 一碗杯面,一杯汽水,一包零食,一根烟,一阵辐射,一股压力,一种束缚,已经成为了生命线的定时炸弹。这类隐形杀手,已经主宰了我们的生命。扑通一声,一命呜呼,再见地球,转世投胎。除了命,还有什么值得好害怕的? 短暂的人生,很多事不必捉得太紧,认真努力过就算了,过得了自己心里的关头就好,一切顺其自然,不让人生留下太多遗憾。这是生命,就只是生命。 回到故事。 "好,就宰了你。" "你宰了我, 世界就少了一个希望。" (黄勇胜 著)