
Showing posts from June, 2017


TRAGEDY A dies during the accident, B survives in the accident, C reborns after the accident. No matter what is happening,every phenomenon is a tragedy. A feels that the world is so unfair for shortening his life. B grumbles why he still needs to suffer the hardship as human. C hates to be regarded as a miracle,he wishes that he can follow theory of life. No matter what is going on,disaster keeps going on. The only way to create comedy out of tragedy is to change our perspective. Perspective,an antidote for tragedy. Life goes on . Written by, WONG YONG SHENG

Special Effects ( Movies )

Why some of the movies before 20th century is qualified to be considered as legendary films nowadays ? Time moves on...... In this era of globalisation , it is extremely difficult for a movie to be considered as high quality even though they rock and boom the box ticket. Personally, I dislike  most (majority) movies nowadays (including some bombastic ones) even though I am a young generation. The movies for last few decades do more emphasise on the characteristic. The actors and actresses would try their best to act everything that had been demanded even though the act was out of their strengths. To captivate more movie manias , they would learn to do some stunts although it was dangerous and made impossible to possible ( unless the stunts are too dangerous they will use body double). However , most acts were done by humans. It was done with their blood , sweat and tears. The efforts of every actor in order to create a perfect movie is undeniable . They would keep doing some

University of Malaya (UM) interview experience 2017

UM INTERVIEW Introduction After graduating from matriculation or STPM ,if you apply for interviewed courses,don't be too relaxed first . Your interview will be around the corner . (I mean very fast.)   Before applying University of Malaya Faculty of Business and Accountancy (FBA) courses,beside requiring high CGPA in public examination and high co-curricular marks , all students must get at least band 3 in Malaysian University English Test (MUET). A) Before interview I remember at that moment when I checked my interview result on 25 May 2017 . I waited until 12p.m. before the online checking system was opened. (Please be alert of any social media or website to get first-handed information about your UPU application) Official website of UPU UM interview checking website If these is any problem or enquiry at that time, can contact to Admissions & Records Section. Admissions &


                      思维-压力-命运 一个思维的改变,能够化解无数的压力,可以拯救无数宝贵的性命。 人生有多少个十年,是《巾帼枭雄》里,柴九 (黎耀祥饰) 常用来安慰人类的台词。 对,生命到底有多长呢? 一碗杯面,一杯汽水,一包零食,一根烟,一阵辐射,一股压力,一种束缚,已经成为了生命线的定时炸弹。这类隐形杀手,已经主宰了我们的生命。扑通一声,一命呜呼,再见地球,转世投胎。 小时候, 无法得到想要的,会让我们不开心。 不能拿到好成绩,会使我们很压力。 参加比赛失败了,会使我们学抱怨。 暗恋的是别人的,便会萌生自卑感。 有多少压力是我们自己故意招惹的呢? 转转思维方式,危机不就是个转机吗? 与其……不如…… 与其记得拿不到的,不如感恩拿到的。 与其花时间害怕成绩退步该如何交代,倒不如花时间温习功课让学业进步。 与其抱怨为比赛的准备无法收获成果,不如吸取经验让自己下次成功。 与其暗恋自己认为配不上的人,不如努力提高自己的价值让别人回心转意爱上自己。 长大后,当我们得到越来越多的选择权时,安静的问题并不会因此离开,反而会从此变本加厉。 升学之路 -该不该升学? -去哪里读? -会浪费时间吗? -学费,书费和生活费的来源? -毕业有出路吗? -会成为负担吗? -如果读不到该如何? 工作生涯 -该找什么工作? -要有稳定的三餐还是要为梦想轰轰烈烈而从此三餐不定? -该辞职、跳槽、转行吗? -失业了该如何? -如何提高薪水? -勾心斗角,被上司骂,天天加班,无法从工作找到刺激感,闷了该如何? 家庭规划 -该找个结婚对象吗? -要生孩子吗?多少个? -如何在孩子,夫妻与父母的身份之间保持平衡? -奶粉钱? -要为了孩子放弃原本的事业吗? -孩子的教育? -发现与另一半性格意见不适合该如何? 后悔莫及 长大后,我们会后悔年少气盛时, 做错了太多事,也不敢尝试太多事,听错了太多劝告。后悔的感觉,是个致命伤。 问题总会有,能解决多少就多少,解决不到该如何? 就放手吧! Let it go, Let it go, Can't hold it back anymore. (源自《冰雪奇缘》原声带。) Idini Menz