University of Malaya (UM) Academics for Undergraduate


The week after the orientation week, the students need to straight away start the class. This is going to be a challenging process.

Beside MBBS and BDS, all bachelor programmes will undergo the same procedure. 

a) Open the students account

The first step as an UM students is we need to have an official students e-mail, as known as siswamail. Signing up new accounts through the website in the orientation week. Matric number and IC number are required. (as stated in the offer letter) 

Remember the username and the password as it will be used every time.

b) Register the course

It is compulsory for UM students to register the course according to the assigned credit hours. In first semester, the students are prohibited to apply for extra credit hours. Listen to the instruction of the lecturers during the orientation week according to respective faculty and programme. In UM, students need to arrange own timetable. It is important to make sure that the class time and the exam time do not crash.

Course structure

  • University Courses
  • Faculty Courses
  • Programme Core Courses
  • Faculty Elective Courses
  • Industrial Training

c) Lecture

Besides some special courses, UM undergraduate students need to go through 14 weeks of lecture and tutorial. 

To get the lecture notes and tutorial questions, the students need to access to spectrum.


1) How the lecturers pass the information to students?

Along the whole semester, the lecturers will pass the information through spectrum and siswamail. It is the responsibility for the students to check them regularly. (e.g. class cancellation, date and time of class replacement)

2) How to communicate with lecturers beside the class hour?

The students need to e-mail to the lecturer to do any enquiry. 

3) How to get the e-mail address of the lecturers?

UMEXPERT is the website to find the e-mail of all lecturers in UM. You are recommended to type UMEXPERT followed by the name of the lecturers in google search.

4) When is the mid-term test?

The mid-term is normally conducted in Week 7, which is the week before the mid-semester break. However, it is subject to changes based on the lecturers. The lecturers will upload the mid-term result through spectrum.

5) What is included in continuous assessment?

The continuous assessment normally include attendance, tutorial assignment, mid-term test. The weightage is different according to the lecturer.

6) How to submit assignment?

Normally, assignment is submitted through in hard copy and soft copy. Hard copy is submitted in the lecturer's office whereas soft copy is submitted through spectrum. Beware of the deadline of submission. 

7) How to assess to the past year questions?

Open the link below.

Type the barcode at the backside of matric card.

Link to the UM PAST YEAR PAPERS is at the left side of the page.

8) Can I drop and change the subject taken?

Add and drop week (first three weeks) is the time to change the subject. If intending to make any changes after these 3 weeks, the students need to settle it personally in the office.

9) Is there any area to study at night?

There is a 24 hours study area near UM Central. Some residential colleges also provide study room. The main library will be opened until 10pm in weekday and 4pm in weekend except public holiday.

10) Where is the clinic if falling sick?

There is a clinic in UM. It is located opposite to UM Central and beside Maybank. The students need to bring matric card to get free treatment. For serious disease, the students are encouraged to go to University of Malaya Medical Centre. Remember to take the MC if absent in any class.

11) Can I borrow books from library?

Books can be borrowed in the library through the counter or the machine in the library. Bring the matric card to borrow the books.

12) How to go to class?

In UM, there are five shuttle buses. (Bus A, Bus B, Bus C, Bus D, Bus E) Keep updating the latest route and the schedule of the bus.

13) How to register for tutorial?

The lecturers will inform the time for tutorial registration in Week 1 or Week 2. Open spectrum to register the tutorial.

14) How to apply for the Rapid KL Concession Card for students?

Kindly refer the website below for further information.

15) Is there is any co-curricular activity in the course?

The students need to take co-curricular in only one semester. (2 credit hours) However, members of PALAPES and SUKSIS are exempted from this course.

c) CTES and Fee Payment

CTES is a test where all students are given an opportunity to assess their lecturers' performance. The system will only be opened within specific time frame.

For fees, the amount can be checked through MyUM.

Click Finance > UG Financial Account (check the outstanding balance)

Method to pay the fees

If a student do not fill in the CTES before deadline or not pay the fees, the student is barred from receiving final exam result as well as registering course for the next semester.

d) Study Week

This is the week where there is no any class. (specially for doing revision)

e) Examination

Bear in mind that some university courses do not have final examination.

Before entering the examination hall, the students require to print out the exam slip through MyUM. The date and location of every paper will be stated. (Undergraduate > Examination  Print Exam Slip)

Bring exam slip, identity card, matric card and required stationery before entering the exam hall. 

f) Industrial Training

There is a semester specially for internship to gain real working experience.

g) Result

Result is checked through MyUM. (Undergraduate > Examination  > Exam Result)

Frequent Q & A

How to calculate CGPA?
What is the passing mark for every subject?
What is the minimum percentage of attendance for not be barred in examination?
How to appeal to recheck the exam paper?
How to repeat the failed subject?
What is the minimum GPA to get Dean's list?
What is the minimum CGPA to get first class honour?
What is the criteria to apply for extra credit hours for the next semester?

Find out the answers by yourself through the pdf link below.

Generally, all UM Students need to go through process b to e in every semester until graduation except the semester of internship. 

All the best.

Thank you.



UM Academics

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