Life as Pemudahcara Mahasiswa (PM) session 2018/19

Pemudahcara Mahasiswa (PM) is the facilitator who will guide the new undergraduate students (freshies) during Minggu Haluansiswa Universiti Malaya (MHS). The application for PM starts from second semester. PM Kolej is responsible for activities in respective kolej kediaman whereas PM Sentral is responsible for activities in Dewan Tunku Canselor. The road to become PM is never easy. This is because the commitment given must be high and consistent until the end of MHS. Once passing the first interview, you are going to kickstart your journey with the title of Calon Pemudahcara Mahasiswa (CPM). There is no turning point once you choose to start the journey. For every CPM Kolej in my session, we need to go through assessment from three parties, namely Kolej Kediaman (KK), Bahagian Hal Ehwal Pelajar (HEP) and Biro Tatanegara (BTN). All CPM will be supervised in every single aspect along these few months. In semester 2, there are also some talks that we need to attend. ...